Volant designed a filter that went from a 9” diameter to a 6” inch i.d along with a velocity stack that aero dynamically functioned swiftly and with the round conical shape box that draws cool air from three location. Yes three! The scoop from the valance, between the headlight and from the fender well. The air rushes through the box and speeds up as it tapers down and the expanded chamber in the duct give the added air needed to create an air flow that cause this engine to increase an extra 25 hp. The new Volant proguard 7 is included in the kit and adds the best filtration possible without sacrificing airflow. The efficiency on this media was also tested through ISO standard and destroyed the dry filtration filters. This combination of features has opened up Volant to the next level. You will continue to manufacture the best quality systems for years to come.
Volant Air Filter Box
Volant Air Duct
NEW Volant Filters with PowerCore® Filtration Technology
Polished Aluminum Lid
High Performance Silicon Connectors
Stainless Steel Clamps